Advantages of involving aluminum in transportation and the vehicle business

Aluminum is utilized in auto creation and in making engine bicycles, transports, metro frameworks, planes, rocket boats, boats, and practically pretty much every transportation vehicle you can imagine. Here are a few essential realities about why and how aluminum’s a favored decision in cars and different vehicles. As the interest for vehicles keeps on rising all around the world — remembering for nations like China, India, and other non-industrial countries … Read more

Current status and development trend of aluminum plate manufacturing industry

Aluminum plate manufacturing industry is an important part of the aluminum industry and has a wide range of applications across various industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, packaging, and electronics. In this article, we will provide a detailed analysis of the current status and development trends of the aluminum plate manufacturing industry. Current Status Currently, the global aluminum plate manufacturing industry is experiencing steady growth, driven by the increasing demand … Read more

Why are aluminum alloy products widely used?

Why are aluminum alloy products widely used

In life, we can often see aluminum products. For example: cans, thermos bottles, pots and pans… They are all made of aluminum. These things are cheap and durable, so people love them. In fact, in addition to tableware and cooking utensils for daily use, aluminum materials are also used in cars. Take my country’s most advanced high-speed trains for example! According to reports, the aluminum profiles used in the “Harmony” … Read more

What is 5052 H34 aluminium sheet?

What is 5052 H34 aluminium sheet

5052 aluminum is an alloy of the elements with the chemical formula Al. B5052 aluminum is a part of many products such as car parts, aircraft parts and appliances. In this article we will discuss about 5052 H34 aluminium sheet, which is also called 4140-H34 aluminum sheet in industry . The Grade 5052 H34 Aluminum Sheet has a high strength to weight ratio and its corrosion resistance makes it suitable … Read more

Aluminium Car Advantages of Using Aluminium Alloy

Vehicles are perplexing machines comprising of around 30,000 sections. Vehicle bodies, or the skeleton of the vehicle, are the most costly and basic to vehicle producing. They incorporate the external boards which give shape to the vehicle, and the inward boards which go about as support. The boards are welded together to points of support and railing. Vehicle bodies then, at that point, incorporate front and back entryways, motor bars, … Read more

Curtain Wall Engineering Committee Meeting Held in Wanda Aluminum

Curtain Wall Engineering Committee Meeting Held in Wanda Aluminum

On September 18, the 6th Expert Group Working Meeting of Curtain Wall Engineering Committee of China Building Decoration Association was held in Henan Wanda Aluminum Group. Zhang Jingyue, Vice President of China Building Decoration Association, Secretary General of China Building Decoration Association Curtain Wall Engineering Committee, Expert Group Leader of China Building Decoration Association Curtain Wall Engineering Committee, Deputy Secretary General of China Building Decoration Association Curtain Wall Engineering Committee, … Read more

Aluminum plate helps green construction site

Aluminum plate helps green construction site

Concrete buildings still occupy the leading position in the construction industry. The proportion of formwork works in the cost of the whole concrete structure project is more than 30%. Accounting for 35% of the total cost of the structure project and 55% of the whole construction period. The quality of formwork works directly determines the quality of concrete buildings. Recently, at the “high level Forum on expanding the application of … Read more

Alcoa produces aluminum housings for combat vehicles

Alcoa produces aluminum housings for combat vehicles

With the progress of science and technology and the renewal of materials, aluminum alloy plates are gradually favored by military manufacturers. Alcoa defense, a branch of Alcoa, cooperates with the US military to produce the world’s largest single piece forged aluminum shell for combat vehicles. Cleveland works factory is responsible for the production of this shell, using a 50000 ton cutting-edge forging press. Eric Roegner, President of Alcoa defense, said … Read more

Foshan built the first aluminum plate electric house

Foshan built the first aluminum plate electric house

“Applying aluminum sheets to the construction of standardized power rooms. Incorporating the concepts of ‘customized management’ and ‘prefabricated assembly’, the factory distributes materials, and realizes assembly line operations, thereby creating high-standard power rooms.” The reporter learned that the standardization of power distribution rooms in China Southern Power Grid In the construction pilot work, the J05 and J08 modular aluminum plate standardized power houses built by the Foshan Bureau were the … Read more

Great prospects for the application of aluminum profiles

“In the economically developed European and American markets, the proportion of architectural profiles in aluminum profiles is much lower than that of industrial and other application profiles. In China, on the contrary, the proportion of architectural profiles is as high as 70%, which shows that there are still many applications of aluminum profiles in other fields. There is a lot of room for excavation.” He Xiaoan, general manager of Henan … Read more