Condenser water pipe protection material as a rule embrace aluminum jacketing roll with composite 1060 and 3003 ASTMB209. As a significant modern refrigeration gear, the chiller works the coursing refrigeration framework for cooling through power utilization. To lessen the superfluous loss of cooling limit, and keep up with the refrigerant and chilled water in a superior boundary state to meet the creation use, the chiller is utilized. The hardware will be protected by various models. On the off chance that the condensate pipe isn’t pre-covered in the roof or the slant of the pipeline isn’t enormous, and the distance is long inside, it is ideal to do however much intensity conservation as could be expected, generally the condensate will shape dew on the channel pipe during cooling.

The protection material utilized for the intensity conservation of the condenser water pipe protection is aluminum jacketing roll. In the first place, clean the parts that should be protected, clean the surface flotsam and jetsam, residue and oil, and afterward apply aluminum jacketing with moister obstruction unique paste to gauge the size of the aluminum protection sheet roll is stuck and joined together, and the holes and connection points are wrapped firmly with warm protection tape. Generally, customers utilize orange peel aluminum for wrapping.
The intensity protection of the key parts, for example, the evaporator and the water tank of the chiller has been finished in the creation stage. Assuming that it is found that the condenser water pipe protection heat conservation impact is weakened because of the disappointment of the intensity safeguarding layer during use, the intensity protection material can be swapped for another intensity protection therapy, and the activity is very straightforward.